‘Parakh’ – 1960



Direction : Bimal Roy
Photography : Kamal Bose
Story & Music : Salil Chowdhury
Art : Sudhendu Roy
Starring : Sadhana, Vasanta Chowdhury, Motilal, Durga Khote, Leela Chitnis
Production : Bimal Roy Productions


The postmaster of Radhanagar, a remote village, receives a. cheque of 5 lakh from one Sir J.C. Roy. The cheque comes with strict conditions. That it should be given to the most honest man of that village. The simple postmaster spends a sleepless night worrying what to do with the cheque. Finally he decides to call a meeting of five village elders and put matters in their hand. The men fail to reach an agreement. Overnight, the peace and quiet of the village is shattered. Greed forces all the powerful men to proclaim their honesty. The poor villagers are confused by the spirit of sacrifice and social service displayed by all the candidates. Only the schoolmaster, Rajat, an active social worker and very popular, does not indulge in such acts of sham bravado. Some try to spread nasty rumors about Rajat. But in the end it’s the fair and honest schoolmaster who is rewarded.

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